Video 6: El Niņo and La Niņa: the "Boy" and the Buoys

The second most powerful influence on global weather and climate after the Sun and the seasons are the phenomena known as El Niņo and La Niņa. This video shows how a network of buoys in the Pacific Ocean led to the world's first-ever "climate forecast" of the 1998-1999 ENSO event.

  •  "Second Only to the Seasons" describes how ocean currents and the cycling of warm and cold water leads to characteristic temperatures and nutrient productivity in the waters off South America.

  •  "Wiring the World" captures researchers in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and setting sail from Africa's Ivory Coast, and shows how NOAA researchers deploy buoys to predict El Niņo and La Niņa.
  •  "Climate Forecasting" shows how NASA and NOAA satellites, ocean sensors, and advanced computers create models of Earth's future climate-allowing pre-emptive measures to be taken by farmers, fishermen, and emergency managers worldwide.
  • Through the video and related activities your students will:

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