Educator Program A
Earth's Weather and Climate: a Primer for Teachers (29:15)

Educator Program A has 5 sections:

1) "The Wide World of Weather" An introductory tour of weather phenomena and the forces which shape them, using brief excerpts from the classroom videos

2) "America's Wild Weather" Why America each year experience some of the most varied and most extreme weather on Earth.

3) "Meet the Scientists" An introduction to the researchers you and your students will meet throughout the series, from NOAA, NASA and other agencies, and also the engineers and technicians who make the research possible by maintaining aircraft, ships and Doppler trucks, and developing new instrumentation.

4) "Key Concepts for Understanding Weather and Climate" participating scientists suggest what they believe are the most important ideas with which to understand weather and climate (including the water cycle, the differential heating of land and sea, radiation, convection and conduction, pressure systems, and long term climate cycles.)

5) "Researchers and Educators" Thoughts from some of the science-Mentors about what it was at school, or when they were young, which first excited them about studying and understanding weather phenomena. (Your students may also enjoy this section of the "Educator" program.)

Educator program B

Classroom Videos / In-service Videos / Implementation Guide / Hands-On Activities / Worksheets / Website / National Standards