Live from the Hubble Team at the National Science Teachers Association Meeting in St. Louis

Section 3 - The IITA booth

1. NASA Ames Research Center provided three folks to set up the fast Internet connections for the exhibit hall. In addition to wiring the IITA booth, they also connected the entire NASA exhibit area and selected other exhibitors (like the GLOBE project). This was a big job to accomplish in a short time. So we called the folks that did it "The Network Heroes". The heroes are: Tom Dyson (front), Dan Bock (back left),Robert Kearin (back right). They all work for a company called I-NET.
2. Here is Dan working on the hub for the network. Notice the wire coming from his ear. This is a cool system of wireless communications that always kept Dan and Robert in touch. We joked that they needed to dress in dark suits if they really wanted to pretend they were Secret Service. But the Network Heroes found the communication system to be very helpful in debugging network problems.
3 This is Andrea McCurdy. She works at Ames for the K-12 Internet Initiative. Her main project now is to finish a public-domain video which will describe how teachers have successfully incorporated the Internet into their curriculum. She is also starting a project to make sure that the Passport to Knowledge summer workshop about Mars is available over the Internet. For this conference, she helped tell teachers about what we do.
4.This is a picture of the Passport to Knowledge side of the booth They shared the IITA space. Notice the computers available for giving hands-on demonstrations. On the left is Jan Wee (our Outreach Coordinator) and next to her is Geoff Haines-Stiles (the Project Director for Passport to Knowledge).
5. Here is Geoff in the booth sharing his thoughts with a teacher.
6. Jan loved to get teachers to fill out a form to be put on our mailing list (snailmail, not Email).
7. In the center is Pat Haddon, a middle school teacher from Summit, NJ. She has helped develop Live From Hubble and skipped school to staff the booth with us. On the right is Peggy Gebhardt who has been along on previous Passport to Knowledge adventures; she and her son Jackie (left) dropped by the booth for a visit
8. During the show, we had Frank Owens, the top dog of NASA's Education Organization from Headquarters (in Washington) visit. Here Frank (left) is shown speaking with Mark Leon (right). Mark is in charge of the IITA K-12 program for all the NASA centers. It was his job to pull together the IITA presence at the NSTA convention....good show. Andrea is in the middle.
9. Two things made our booth the envy of all the other NASA people. One was the food. Each day at lunch we had sandwiches delivered. I don't know if that has ever been done before at a NASA booth. We had Christiy Budenbender to thank for the food and all of the other logistical details. Christiy is in the front (with her head cut off...oops, I'm not a very good photographer). Behind Christiy is Erna Akuginow, who manages many aspects of Passport to Knowledge project, including television production.
10. Also we had a communication center behind our booth where you could make private telephone calls or Email. We've pulled back the curtain on Dan to show off our secret.